- A rocking chair
- A doll
- Rope
- String (to pull the rocking chair back and forth without it being noticeable)
- Mannequin/dummy
- Bed (for femme fatale to wake up)
- Window frame (looking out onto field)
- Alarm clock
We also decided on the clothes/hair and make-up terms we will need to include in our film, these are:
- A white gown (for femme fatale)
- Slippers?
- Red lipstick
- Blusher for cheeks
- Curled hair
- Dressing gown for male character (hopefully we can create shadows well enough so the audience won't be able to see the man too much)
Reflective Comments:
Making a list of these props has helped us be more prepared for the filming of our film noir. We now know exactly what to take to each filming session which will give us more time to focus on our filming.